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.ps1 performs the following tasks:1.Retrieves, from the Virtual Machine Manager database, all virtual machine host groups as an array and stores the host group objects in variable $VMHostGroups.2.Retrieves, from the Virtual Machine Manager database, all virtual machine objects as an array and stores the virtual machine objects in variable $VMs.3.For each host group, determines the following: The number of hosts in the host group. The number of virtual machines in the host group. The number of running virtual machines on hosts in the host group. The number of virtual machines that are allocated to self-service users in the host group.4.Displays the following information about each host group: The name of the host group. The number of hosts in the host group. The number of virtual machines, running virtual machines, and self-service virtual machines in the host group. The number of virtual machines on each host ($VMCount / $VMHostCount); the number of running virtual machines on each host ($RunningVMCount / $VMHostCount), and the number of self-service virtual machines on each host ($SelfServiceVMCount / $VMHostCount).##################################################################### Summary of Virtual Machine Host Groups####################################################################$VMHostGroups = @(Get-VMHostGroup)$VMs = @(Get-VM)Write-Host "`nVIRTUAL MACHINE HOST GROUPS" -ForegroundColor Yellowforeach ($VMHostGroup in $VMHostGroups){$VMHostCount = $VMHostGroup.Hosts.Count$VMCount = @($VMs | where {$VMHostGroup.Hosts -contains $_.VMHost}).Count$RunningVMCount = @($VMs | where {$VMHostGroup.Hosts -contains $_.VMHost} | where {$_.Status -eq "Running"}).Count$SelfServiceVMCount = @($VMs | where {$VMHostGroup.Hosts -contains $_.VMHost} | where {$_.SelfServicePolicy -ne $null}).CountWrite-Host "Host Group :", $VMHostGroup.NameWrite-Host "Number of Hosts :", $VMHostCountif ($VMHostCount -ne 0){Write-Host "Number of VMS :", $VMCountWrite-Host "Running VMs :", $RunningVMCountWrite-Host "Self-Service VMs :", $SelfServiceVMCountWrite-Host "VMs per Host :", ($VMCount / $VMHostCount)Write-Host "Running VMs per Host :", ($RunningVMCount / $VMHostCount)Write-Host "Self-Serice VMs per Host :", ($SelfServiceVMCount / $VMHostCount)}Write-Host}SummarizeVMMInformation.ps1 - Complete ScriptCopy the following complete version of SummarizeVMMInformation.ps1 into a Notepad file, and save it as SummarizeVMMInformation.# Filename: SummarizeVMMInformation.ps1# Description: Display information about Virtual Machine Manager# servers (including hosts and library servers),# host groups, virtual machines, and self-service# policies.# DISCLAIMER:# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.All rights reserved.This# script is made available to you without any express, implied or# statutory warranty, not even the implied warranty of# merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or the# warranty of title or non-infringement.The entire risk of the# use or the results from the use of this script remains with you.##################################################################### Summary of Virtual Machine Manager Server####################################################################$SummaryDate = Get-Date# Substitute the name of your VMM server and domain in this command:$VMMServer = Get-VMMServer -ComputerName "VMMServer1.Contoso.com"$VMHosts = @(Get-VMHost)$HostedVMs = @(Get-VM | where {$_.Status -ne "Stored"})Write-Host "`nVIRTUAL MACHINE MANAGER SERVER" -ForegroundColor YellowWrite-Host "Summary Date :", $SummaryDateWrite-Host "VMM Server Name :", $VMMServer.NameWrite-Host "Evaluation Version :", $VMMServer.IsEvaluationVersionWrite-Host "Placement Goal :", $VMMServer.PlacementGoalWrite-Host "Total Hosts :", $VMHosts.CountWrite-Host "Hosted VMs :", $HostedVMs [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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