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.The most she gets out of the Greek culture where she finally is laid to rest.All three women have struggled to move from victimization toward self-acceptance and strength.Their situations differed.Two of them - Janie and Susannah - have regained their personal selves in the end.Both had help from other persons - Janie from her husband Tea Cake and Susannah mainly from her Greek friend Irene.These supporting characters helped to bring out the inner freedom of the women and to empower that freedom.It took Janie a long time to free herself from living according to other people's wishes.It also lasted many years before Irene analyzed Susannah's past, and Susannah started to comprehend what had happened to her.It is only then when she can find back the way to her own self and gain happiness.Susannah and Janie - having found their self-identity became happy, satisfied and relieved women.Magdalena, unfortunately, takes a development in the other direction.She is happy and satisfied as child and teenager in the Sierra Madre.After her dad punishes her, and the family leaves Mexico, she could never really find back to herself.Having been whipped mercilessly by her own father for no reason, engenders in Magdalena “self-destructive madness and alienation from her own body, her self-trust, and her community”.Magdalena's denied sexuality leads to the loss of the much prized and necessary original self.She has nobody really to help her and the help offered by her sister and her dad she rejects.Magdalena is glued to her past life in Mexico.When she dies, she is very unhappy.But since Magdalena culturally identifies with the Mundos, this sad end on earth does not mean the final end.Even Magdalena can get back to her own self and be happy after her death.And be again reconciled with the persons and culture she loves.lBIBLIOGRAPHYlBloom, Harold.“Introduction”.Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God.Ed.Harold Bloom.New York, Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987.Bruckner, Natascha.The Wound As World: Sexual Abuse and Healing in Alice Walker's Fiction., 1999.hooks, bell.Remembered Capture: The Writer at Work.New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1999.Howard, Lillie P.“Nanny and Janie: Will the Twain Ever Meet? (A Look at Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God.” Journal of Black Studies, Vol.12, No.4, pp.403 to 414: Sage Publications, 1982.Hurston, Zora Neale.Their Eyes Were Watching God.London: Virago Press, 1986.Kubitschek, Missy Dehn.““Tuh de Horizon and Back”: The Female Quest in Their Eyes Were Watching God”.Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God.Ed.Harold Bloom.New York, Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987.Walker, Alice.By the Light of My Father's Smile.New York: Ballantine Books, 1999.Walker, Alice (ed.).I Love Myself When I Am Laughing.Old Westbury: Feminist Press, 1979.Wall, Cheryl A.Women of the Harlem Renaissance.Bloomington, Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1995.Hurston, p.29Hurston, p.25Hurston, p.28Hurston, p.44See Hurston, p.50.See Hurston, pp.48 and 49.See Hurston, pp.69 and 70.See Hurston, pp.91 and 92.See Hurston, pp.134 and 135.See Hurston, p.171.Wall, p.189See Hurston, pp.186 and 187.Hurston, p.236Bloom, p.4See Hurston, pp.272 to 274.Hurston, p.18Compare the first quote on p.3 in the term paper.Walker, p.19Walker, p.19Walker, p.76Bruckner, p.4Walker, p.77Bruckner, p.3Walker, p.138Bruckner, p.3Magdalena's voice in Walker, p.29Hurston, p.70Although the novel ends before Janie dies, it can be concluded from the last sequence of the book that she is satisfied with her life and also will be until her death.Bruckner, p.111Szukasz gotowej pracy ?To pewna droga do poważnych kÅ‚opotów.Plagiat jest przestÄ™pstwem !Nie ryzykuj ! Nie warto !Powierz swoje sprawy profesjonalistom.Szukasz gotowej pracy ?To pewna droga do poważnych kÅ‚opotów.Plagiat jest przestÄ™pstwem !Nie ryzykuj ! Nie warto !Powierz swoje sprawy profesjonalistom
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