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.MERCURY AFFLICTED IN SCORPIO gives a tendency to pains in bladder andgenitals, menstrual trouble, and, by reflex action in Taurus, stuttering orhoarseness and deafness.MERCURY AFFLICTED IN SAGITTARIUS gives a tendency to pain in the hips andthighs.By reflex action in Gemini, cough, asthma and pleurisy.MERCURY AFFLICTED IN CAPRICORN gives a tendency to rheumatism, especially inthe knees; pains in the back, skin diseases, melancholy; by reflex action inCancer, nervous indigestion, flatulence.MERCURY AFFLICTED IN AQUARIUS gives a tendency to shooting or gnawing painsin the whole body, varicose veins, corrupt blood and, by reflex action inLeo, palpitation, and neuralgia of the heart.MERCURY AFFLICTED IN PISCES gives a tendency to gout in the feet, or theyare tender and subject to cramp, or, by reflex action in Virgo, a generalweakness, lassitude, worry, and sometimes tuberculosis, deafness.[PAGE 551] PATHOGENIC EFFECTS OF MOONPATHOGENIC EFFECTS OF THE MOONThe Moon rules the oesophagus and stomach, the uterus and ovaries, thelymphatics and the sympathetic nervous system, the synovial fluid.When af-flicted she produces dropsical and menstrual troubles, uterine and ovarianafflictions, dyspepsia, eye trouble, and lunacy, according to the sign,house and nature of the afflicting planet.She has particular rule over themother during pregnancy.THE MOON AFFLICTED IN ARIES gives a tendency to insomnia, headache, leth-argy, and weak eyes.THE MOON AFFLICTED IN TAURUS gives a tendency to sore throat, and if in Tau-rus 29 with the Pleiades and afflicted by Saturn, Mars, Uranus, or Neptune,eye trouble results; by reflex action in Scorpio, menstrual or other troublewith the genitals.THE MOON AFFLICTED IN GEMINI gives a tendency to catarrh of the lungs,asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia, rheumatism in the arms and shoulders.THEMOON AFFLICTED IN CANCER gives a tendency to cancer of the stomach, dropsy,obesity, bloating, digestive troubles, and epilepsy.THE MOON AFFLICTED IN LEO gives a tendency to backache, disturbed circula-tion, convulsions, and heart trouble; if in Leo 6, eye trouble.[PAGE 552] THE MESSAGE OF THE STARSTHE MOON AFFLICTED IN VIRGO gives a tendency to disorders in the bowels, ab-dominal tumors, dysentery, and peritonitis.THE MOON AFFLICTED IN LIBRA gives a tendency to Bright's disease, abscess ofthe kidneys, uraemia; by reflex action in Aries, headache or insomnia.THE MOON AFFLICTED IN SCORPIO gives a tendency to disturbed menses, bladdertroubles, hydrocele, and other genito-urinary disturbances; by reflex actionin Taurus, throat troubles.THE MOON AFFLICTED IN SAGITTARIUS gives a tendency to blood affections, hipdisease, and, sometimes, a broken femur; by reflex action in Gemini,asthma.THE MOON AFFLICTED IN CAPRICORN gives a tendency to articular rheumatism,lack of synovial fluid, eruptions of the skin, and by reflex action in Can-cer, digestive troubles.THE MOON AFFLICTED IN AQUARIUS gives a tendency to varicose veins, ulcers ofthe leg, dropsy, and, by reflex action in Leo, hysteria, fainting, and hearttrouble.THE MOON AFFLICTED IN PISCES gives a tendency to drink, drug habits, tenderfeet, and, by reflex action in Virgo, abdominal disorders of various kinds.[PAGE 553] PATHOGENIC EFFECTS OF SATURNPATHOGENIC EFFECTS OF SATURNSaturn is the planet of obstruction, crystallization and atrophy.By hisaction the circulation or passage of bodily fluids, such as the blood,lymph, or urine, is impeded, and by this stagnation waste materials are re-tained instead of being eliminated.Thus they form various deposits in thebody, building the skeleton, which is CONSTRUCTIVE, hardening the arteriesand articulations, which is DESTRUCTIVE.Saturn rules the gall bladder,where he forms the painful gallstones, and by virtue of his exaltation powerin Libra he crystallizes the renal stones and gravel which cause such suf-fering to those who have these concretions.By retention of the urea hecauses the painful rheumatism and gout which often manifest in deformity ofthe joints that so often disfigures and disables the sufferers therefrom.He rules the pneumogastric nerve, and by his restrictive action through thatmedium he may at any moment slow down the heart action, stop digestion, sup-press the urine and stool under the emotions of fear and worry generated byhim.Thus he has the power to bring every bodily function to a standstill.Saturn also rules the teeth and the skin.By his action the teeth decay,leading to malnutrition, the synovial membranes are hardened, making thespine and limbs rigid; he makes the skin tough as the years go by.Saturnis at home in Capricorn, and by his reflex action in Cancer he interfereswith the peristaltic action which is necessary in the digestion of food; he[PAGE 554] THE MESSAGE OF THE STARSthen causes antiperistalsis, or vomiting.His general activities in thebody are destructive and tend to end the life of the organism.Saturn generally hurts by falls, bruises, and colds.He predisposes tochronic and deep-seated ailments, and his victims are difficult to reach be-cause he imbues them with fear, worry, and pessimism, so that they refuse tobelieve in the possibility of a cure and cannot be induced to take a cheer-ful look on life
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