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.Therefore, the Buddha Maitreya gloriously shines, but his son kneels before him. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a namewritten, that no man knew, but he himself Because this name is written with charactersof the language of light. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood (because of the battles against theBlack Lodge within the supra-sensible worlds); and his name is called The Word ofGod, because the Avatar of the New Aquarian Age is one Verb, Word (Christ). And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses (this is thecavahy of Nirvana), clothed in fine linen, white and clean, because they are Masters. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword (in order to wound the demons), that with it(The Word) he should smite the nations: and he (the Verb) shall rule them with a rod ofiron (within the abyss): and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath ofAlmighty God. The tenebrous have fought against this Verb, but this Verb is treadingthe winepress of the fierceness and wrath of the Almighty God and He threw them intothe abyss. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written (on a band with sacredcharacters), KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.The power of the king is not on the forehead.The power of the king is in the sex.The sceptre of the sacred kings, the two columns of the temple, and the Cross of theredeemer are made with the wood of the tree of good and evil.This is the tree ofknowledge (sex).When a man and a woman are sexually united, something is created.We become kings and queens, lords of nature, when we receive the sacred fire of theHoly Spirit.Kundalini is the fire of the Holy Spirit.138The Message Of Aquarius Samael Aun WeorThe Kundalini develops, evolves and progresses within the aura of the Mahachoan.TheMahachoan is the Holy Spirit, the Third Logos which we find in the Flaming Forge ofVulcan.This Flaming Forge of Vulcan is the sex.The Kundalini awakens only with the ArcanumA.Z.F.The great German sage Krumm Heller said the following in the eighth lesson of hisZodiacal Course: Instead of the coitus which reaches the orgasm, sweet caresses, amorous phrases anddelicate touching should be lavished reflectively, keeping the mind constantly separatedfrom animal sexuality, sustaining the purest spirituality as if the act were a true religiousceremony.Nevertheless, the man can and should introduce the penis and keep it in the vagina tobring about a divine sensation upon both, full of joy, that can last for hours, withdrawingit at the moment the orgasm is near to avoid the ejaculation of semen.In this way, theywill have a greater desire to caress each other each time.This may be repeated as many times as desired without ever becoming tiresome.On thecontrary, it is the Magic Key to daily rejuvenation, keeping the body healthy andprolonging life, because this constant magnetization is a fountain of health.We know that in ordinary magnetism, the magnetizer communicates currents to thesubject and if the first has those forces developed, he can heal the second.Thetransmission of magnetic currents is ordinarily done through the hands or through theeyes, but it is necessary to say that there is no greater and more poweiful conductor, athousand times more powerful, a thousand times superior to others, than the virilemember and the vulva as receiving organs.If many persons practice this, they spread force and success in their surroundings for allthose who come into commercial or social contact with them.But in the act of sublime,divine magnetization to which we are referring, both man and woman magnetize eachother, the one being for the other as a musical instrument which, when plucked, gives offor emits prodigious sounds of mysterious and sweet harmonies.The strings of thatinstrument are spread all over the body, and the lips and fingers are its principalpluckers, on condition that the act be presided by the most absolute purity which is whatmakes us Magicians in that supreme moment.The key in order to awaken the Kundalini is written in these former paragraphs of theMaster Huiracocha.This is the Arcanum A.Z.F., this is the Great Arcanum.When the great French poet Cazotte wrote his famous book entitled THE LOVINGDEVIL, he was visited by a man who was covered with a cape.This mysteriouspersonage was the Master ZANONI.The mysterious visitor made some mysterious secret139The Message Of Aquarius Samael Aun Weorsalutations which Cazotte did not understand, because he was not an Initiate, but hebecame initiated by Zanoni.The style in which the book The Loving Devil was written was very close to theArcanum A.Z.F.Therefore, in a whisper from the lips of Zanoni to the ears of this great french poet, theGreat Arcanum was communicated.We still remember the terrible prophecies of death made by Cazotte in his famousbanquet.Some Initiates wanted to reveal the Great Arcanum, while others opposed.Then, Cazotte,while exulted with wisdom, prophesied exile for some of them, for others the deadlyscaffold, suicide, the dagger, venom, and finally he prophesied his own death by thescaffold.All the prophecies of Cazotte were accomplished with astonishing exactitude.Another marvellous personage was the powerful and enigmatic Count Cagliostro.Thisman of undescribable age is a true Master who has the elixir of longevity.No one can attain this elixir without having worked with the Arcanum A.Z.F.Cagliostroswallowed soil within his sepulchre and escaped from his sepulchre fossa due to the factthat he had received the elixir of longevity.Cagliostro practised sexual magic intensely.Cagliostro was a disciple of Count SaintGermain.Cagliostro was an alchemist, he transmuted the lead into gold and made genuinediamonds.This Master was known in the distinct places of the world, under different names indifferent countries.He was known with the following names: Tis-chio, Milissa, Belonte, D anna, Fenix,Pellegrini, Balsamo, Mesmer, Harut and Cagliostro.This famous historical lineage wasrecorded by Alexander Dumas in his work entitled, The Queens Necklace.Ragon commits the crime of slandering the Great Copto.Eliphas Levi also slanders the Count Cagliostro by accusing him of being a BlackMagician.The Great Copto lived with the famous Schrader of Germany, and in Englandwith the illustrious theosophist George Coston.140The Message Of Aquarius Samael Aun WeorCagliostro saved the life of the Cardinal Archbishop of Rohan with the science of thePhilosophical Stone.The Baroness of Oberkirch said the following of the Great Copto, He was not absolutely beautiful but I never saw such equalled features.His sight, morethan profound, was supernatural
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