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.Supposing you wake upin the morning and it's a lovely morning.Let's take today,right here and now here we are in this paradise of a placeand some of us have to go to work on Monday.Is that aproblem? For many people it is because it spoils the tasteof what is going on now.When we wake up in bed onMonday morning and think of the various hurdles we haveto jump that day, immediately we feel sad, bored, andbothered.Whereas, actually, we're just lying in bed.So, the Taoist trick is simply, "Live now and therewill be no problems." That is the meaning of the Zensaying, "When you are hungry, eat.When you are tired,sleep.When you walk, walk.When you sit, sit." Rinzai,the great Tung dynasty master, said, "In the practice ofBuddhism, there is no place for using effort.Sleep whenyou're tired, move your bowels, eat when you're hungry that's all.The ignorant will laugh at me, but the wise willunderstand." The meaning of the wonderful Zen saying"Every day is a good day" is that they come one afteranother, and yet there is only this one.You don't linkthem.This, as I intimated just a moment ago, seems to bean atomization of life.Things just do what they do.Theflower goes puff, and people go this way and that way,and so on, and that is what is happening.It has nomeaning, no destination, no value.It is just like that.When you see that, you see it's a great relief.That is all itis.Then, when you are firmly established in suchness, andit is just this moment, you can begin again to play with theconnections, only you have seen through them.Now theydon't haunt you, because you know that there isn't anycontinuous you running on from moment to moment whooriginated sometime in the past and will die sometime inthe future.All that has disappeared.So, you can haveenormous fun anticipating the future, remembering thepast, and playing all kinds of continuities.This is themeaning of that famous Zen saying about mountains: "Tothe naive man, mountains are mountains, waters arewaters.To the intermediate student, mountains are nolonger mountains, waters are no longer waters." In otherwords, they have dissolved into the point instant, thetshana."But for the fully perfected student, mountains areagain mountains and waters are again waters."
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