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.Fuck.He was hunting.Parker immediately went on alert.He sniffed theair, hoping to sense whatever was making Ash sotense. Ash?Mina grumbled when Ash didn t answer.He kepthis focus on the crowd& or the wall behind the crowd.He grasped Mina s wrist and kept her behind himwhen she tried to move past.Something tickled the back of Parker s throat.Ittasted foul, fetid.Rotten. Terri. He started searching for that elusive stench,that horrible taste.She wouldn t be in the crowd itself.There was no way she could blend in with so manysupernaturals.But she was powerful enough todamage the building and everyone in it without everhaving to come inside. Can we get everyone out? No! I m half-naked!Parker turned to Kate, who was still struggling with her skirt.The zipper had apparently broken. Bloodyhell, woman.A witch with a vendetta is somewherenearby, and you re worried about your fucking togs?An ominous creak reverberated through thewooden floor.The lights flickered.A cracking noisewas swiftly followed by the sound of pebbles hittingthe ground. Oh shit. Amara, eyes wide, stared at one of thewalls. She s using the garden around the building tobring it down. Parker, Terri s voice crooned, coming fromeverywhere at once. Come to me, my love. How the hell is she doing that? Brian gagged. Gods above, I can feel her in my head.It s like mybrain is coated in slime. Everyone out! Parker bellowed, using what powerhe had to force everyone to obey.There was a stampede toward the front door, butwhen the first wave of people hit it, the door refused toopen.It was jammed shut. I m really beginning to dislike this witch-bitch ofyours, Parker. Dragos stepped off the platform intothin air. We need to take her down before she killsthe entire town to get to you. He held out his hands,and a screeching noise, like branches being viciouslyscraped across a car, assaulted their ears.Dragos was trying to force the doors open telekinetically.He was failing.And he looked utterly stunned bythat fact.Parker refrained from telling him he wasn t the firstperson to underestimate the witch. Uh-uh, naughty, naughty. Terri giggled. I ll tell youwhat give me Parker and I ll let you all live. Plasterrained down on their heads; women screamed as ahuge crack appeared in the ceiling. Out of my way, everyone.Parker turned to find Amara had assumed herhamadryad form.She lumbered toward the door, thetownsfolk scattering away from her like sheep beforea wolf.She placed her hands on the door and shoved,straining against the weight.Dragos resumed usinghis mind to help, but nothing happened.WhateverTerri was using to barricade the door was tough.Plaster landed on Parker s head.He looked up tofind the ceiling riddled with cracks.A sharp snap hadhim cursing, but it was breaking glass that got himmoving.He peered out one of the windows, using hisenhanced night vision to see how bad things were.All he saw was a sea of writhing green.Hesnapped his head back as a thorn poked through thewindow, damn near taking his eye out. Oh no, you don t. A tendril wiggled through the broken panes, wrapped around the lintel and snakedup the wall.Wherever it went, it left tiny cracks behind,which branched into more cracks. You can save themfrom this.Just come outside.Join me, Parker.Soon the wall would be nothing but cracks andwould fall, killing anyone in the way.Sprays of pollenformed and burst, drifting in the air. We re in deeptrouble. He bit his lip, thinking hard.The vampirescould get out by misting, but that would leaveeveryone inside to face the fate Terri had in store forthem.Knowing Terri, any vamp who demisted on theother side would be facing something horrific, andthey d be without protections of any kind.Enoughpuncture wounds would kill a vamp without evertouching his heart.She had to know that.She wascrazy, but she d never been stupid.He couldn t use fire.Burning the foliage would onlyenclose the victims in an oven, baking everything andeveryone along with the vegetation.He had no way tofreeze the plants, unless&He grabbed the naiad who had stood up for herwolf mate. Can you freeze water?She shook her head. No.I can move water, but Ican t boil it or freeze it, not without help. From what? For boiling? A stove.For ice, I like my refrigerator. Smart-ass. But you can influence water? Yes, she drawled, obviously thinking him amadman.He tugged her over toward the window. Can youwork with the water inside the plants?She gasped. Of course! Why didn t I think of that?She rolled up her sleeves. Stand back.Parker obeyed and hoped she got it right.If not,they were all dead.Amara pushed and pushed, but nothing happened.The door remained stubbornly shut. I need help!A pair of hands joined hers, their stony grip sureand steady. I m here.Rock.She d recognize those hands anywhere. Thanks. Me too. Another pair joined Rock s, pale andsmall, the nails bright red.She hissed as she pushed.Amara recognized her as one of the vamps who dcried out that she was guilty. Anyone else who wants to help, see if you can findanother way out. She couldn t run the risk of doingmore harm than good.Too much force could take theentire wall out.She pushed, her muscles straining, and consideredtaking out the wall anyway.Soon it would be too late. The creaks and groans of the building told her thestructure might soon fall on their heads, killingeveryone inside.Then something happened [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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