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.She got up.She walked around in a very fidgety way.She looked at me a little crossly and then shewent into the front room and put on another record.The drums were booming hard enough to lift my aching hair half an inch each stroke!A whiny, high-pitched voice came on.A man? A woman? Who could tell? Amongst the whang andwow of guitars and the echoes of a chorale, the song went:Don't stop me (bleeping)!Don't clog my plumbingWith too much chumming.Keep that thing thrumming!DEATH QUEST359 Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlKeep your hips drumming!I know I am bumming,And it ain't becoming.But it is so numbingWhen you stop my (bleeping)!The piece ended with a pistol shot and the thud of a body falling.And a spoken, hoarse voice said, "Itserved 'em right!" After the mangling effect the drums had had on my brain, I felt like the shot had gonestraight through my tortured skull.Teenie came back in, switching her ponytail."Now, how is that? Is your headache all gone now?"I was too much in pain to get off the floor and find a gun and shoot her."God (bleep) you," I grated in adeadly voice."Get the Hells out of here and now, now, now!""Well, I like that!" she said indignantly."I'm only trying to help you!" Her eyes got deadly.She stampedher foot."The trouble with you, you (bleepard), is pretty plain! You're a JERK! I try to give you a handand what do you do? You spit on me! You don't know what decency is! Where the hell are yourmanners? Listen, you (bleepard), you've got the finest sex equipment I've ever seen in my life and believeme, I'm an expert! And do you know what to do with it? NO! You're cruel, obscene, selfish, rotten,mean, perverted, depraved, sadistic, vicious and STUPID!" She stopped.She had run out of adjectives.Her large eyes glared like a panther's."And besides that," she finished, "you're no gentleman!"I tried to find something to say.Every word had gone into my skull like a sledgehammer.I wanted tostrangle her.But the room was spinning."So you haven't got a thing to say," she said."Well, Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html360L.RON HUBBARDthat's good, because I have! I came over here today, thinking that in my plight, you could help.You'rerich.I haven't even got a job now.I got no job because I'm uneducated.I came over here thinking thatout of decency you would give me enough money to go to school.But you're so rotten, you don't havethe slightest God (bleeped) idea of anything but wrecking people's nerves.So there's only one thing I cando."I was horrified that she might put on another record.What came was far worse!"And you know what I'm going to do?" she demanded."I am going to stay right here and reform the hellout of you until you are decent enough to at least associate with mangy dogs! I'm going to nag, nag, nagyou until you decide there is somebody else in the world besides yourself.I'm going to  ""Wait," I pleaded, for I could stand it no more."What would it take to get you to leave and never comeback and never see you again, ever?""Five thousand dollars," she said."I got to finish my education.I live in an attic by myself so living don'tcost much, but tuition does.There's a Hong Kong whore that runs a special school that teaches all the insand outs of sex.I can buy a crash course.Then I'll know what I'm doing! I've got to unlearn everythingthe psychiatrist and psychologist taught me and everything in the grammar-school sex textbook.And Igot to get me some real education! I'm a fast learner: you got to learn fast if you live on the streets ofNew York and want to stay alive.So I'm quick.She'll take me as a pupil, despite my age.But I needfive thousand dollars.Then I can find some satisfaction and succeed in life.I can grow up and amount tosomething.I can make people happy and."Her voice had been literally smashing what was leftDEATH QUEST Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html361of my brain cells into ragged, mangled pulp.I said, "If I do that, will you promise faithfully, swear, attest,affirm that I will never in all my life, ever, ever, lay eyes on you again?""Cross my heart and hope to die!" she said.Oh, Gods, it was worth it.I crept to my money hoard.I counted out five thousand dollars.She took it.She counted it.Then she put it in the pocket of her cloth coat and pinned it there with asafety pin.Before I could stop her, she gave me a moist kiss.She pulled back.She smiled happily."I'm sorry I hadto tell you the truth about yourself," she said."But sometimes the truth pays.Are you sure I can't doanything else for you? Fix you another bhong? Play you some more records? Go down on you so youwill have a calm afternoon?""Get out of here," I wept."Well," she said."I'm not as ungrateful as you are.If you ever change your mind about seeing me, I livein the garret of one of the old houses in Tudor City." And she gave me the exact number."All you have todo is climb the fire escape and slide in the window.It's permanently stuck open.Tudor City, you know,is just south of the United Nations and you get there over a bridge from 42nd Street.The buildings usedto be kept up and they had little parks of their own and private footpaths, but the last couple of yearsthey've gone to hell and the parks are used to grow marijuana, mostly.At least that's what I use them for.Now, please remember the number." And she gave it again twice."If you don't mind climbing a fireescape and if you don't mind dust and old trunks, we can just lie there and do it for hours and hours theright way, or if your back gets tired I can use my mouth362 Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlL.RON HUBBARDon you while you rest up.I'm used to that, you see, and I don't mind a bit, really [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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