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.Coming into Javelina all normal-like, after everything that had happened, probably even workedin his favor.Just as he put Lucia up on the mule, he heard hoofbeats behind him, coming fast.He turned around.Amy Blackwell s bay mare pulled up hard, raising dust hip high. Holden Renshaw, she said, her pretty face twisted with anger. I hope they hang you for whatyou ve done.Heath s heart slammed a dozen times before he got it under control.He touched the brim of hishat. Afternoon, Miss Blackwell, he said. Reckon they have some hangin rope at Sonntag s.Youmind tellin me what I ve done first? You know perfectly well, she said, tossing back the blond hair she always wore loose aroundher shoulders. Sean came to us as soon as you ran him off.The tension went out of Heath s body.He d never doubted that that was where Sean wouldhave headed first.He d been in good with the Blackwells for some time, playing up hiseducation at some fancy school back East and the highfalutin manners Jed had paid so muchfor.Sean had hankered after Amy, too.Looked like he was getting her. Sean tell you why? he asked. Or did he just howl like a burnt coyote?Her gloved hands tightened on the reins as she shifted on her sidesaddle. Must there be areason when a gentleman is run off his own ranch by a jealous cowhand?Heath let her see the edges of his teeth. It ain t his ranch yet, Miss Blackwell.If he promised tosell you Dog Creek, he s layin you a false scent.Amy edged her mount a few steps back and flung up her head like a rebellious filly. You maybe interested to know that we intend to employ Mr.McCarrick at Blackwater.He is not withoutfriends. Bride of the Wolf  19th Century Werewolf 06 Page 46 of 236 You want Sean for a friend, Miss Blackwell, that s your lookout.But he ll use you, just like heuses anyone he thinks he can string along.Amy swung her arm up, and for a split second it looked as if she might try to hit him with herquirt.She didn t.She just stared at him, hate and confusion in her eyes. When Sean s uncle returns, he will hear about this, she snapped. It s Sean who should be scared of that, ma am.With a sharp, angry cry, Amy jerked her mare around and kicked it into a run. The señorita is very angry, Lucia said solemnly. Yeah. When will Señor McCarrick return? Soon. Heath took the mule s lead. Let s get on home.It was near evening when Heath and Lucia reached Dog Creek.He smelled something wrong assoon as they got near the house.Joey was waiting for him in the yard, his wiry body vibrating with tension. Holden!Heath dismounted and helped Lucia dismount. What is it? The hands! They all up  n left&  ceptin me  n Maurice.They rode in from the range a few hoursago.Didn t say a word, just lit out again right away.Heath pulled off his hat and raked his hand through his hair. Where the hell d they go? Don t know.But  He bit his lip. Maurice says Sean was here talkin to El and Gus last night.Sean.Heath hadn t seen this coming, and he should have.The son of a bitch would have madethe most of Heath being gone.He had a way of making people follow him.People like Amy, tooblind or stupid to see through his lies.The force of his own anger pulled him up short.Why was he so mad? It wasn t as if he had toworry about problems like this much longer. This here s Señora Gonzales, he said to Joey. You show her into the house. But, Holden, we ain t done brandin ! What are we gonna do? We would have let most of the hands go in a couple of weeks, anyway.Now git. Bride of the Wolf  19th Century Werewolf 06 Page 47 of 236Joey didn t like it, but he did as he was told.He touched his hat to Lucia and led her to thehouse.When he returned, Heath set him to unsaddling the mule. How d it go with Lucia? he asked. Mrs.McCarrick was sure happy to see her.They showed each other their babies like they wasprize bulls.Heath was in no mood for laughing.He saw to Bess, shouldered the saddlebags and headed forthe house, aware that he stank of sweat and horse and needed a bath.And he needed a run.A good, hard run to clear his mind and remind himself that he was almostfree.He entered the house without knocking.The whole place smelled of warm human bodies,strong coffee and something good cooking in the kitchen.Rachel was sitting at the table, thebaby in her arms.Lucia sat beside them with her own kid, and Heath could see that he dinterrupted their talk.The dim light made Rachel seem different somehow.Not sharp andskinny, with a tongue like a knife, but gentle, like Lucia.It gave him a strange, unsettled feelingin his chest.Especially because she didn t look scared now, or suspicious, or angry.She almost lookedhappy, as if she d just been given some pretty ribbon or one of those shiny copper pots he dseen at Sonntag s.She almost looked glad to see him. I have been speaking with Lucia, she said with a smile that gave a sparkle to her eyes. I amgrateful that she is willing to help us.Grateful.He hated that word; it bothered him worse than her smile.He didn t want to hear inRachel s voice or see it in her eyes, or care if she was glad to see him or not.None of it was real.He d planned to do whatever she told him, treat her right so she would stay as long as heneeded her.But now that he saw her again, all  grateful as she was, the old bitterness wasrearing up, stronger than reason or sense.Rachel Lyndon troubled him too much, and a day andnight away hadn t eased that feeling.Every time he was around her, it only got worse.Lucia didn t make him feel that way.She was quiet.She hadn t tried to argue or order himaround.And she would never betray him, because she would never know any more about himthan she knew now.If Lucia took over the baby s care, Heath might never have to speak to Rachel again. You mind leavin us alone, señora? he said to Lucia. Bride of the Wolf  19th Century Werewolf 06 Page 48 of 236She gathered up her baby, nodded to Rachel and went into the hall. That wasn t necessary, Rachel said, some of the light going out of her eyes. How s the kid? he asked. Much better than when you brought him.He will be better still when he has&  She hesitated,getting a little red in the face. When he has the nourishment he needs.Heath didn t let his relief lead him off track [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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