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.The Metals / 153BOJI STONES*Energy: ProjectivePlanet: MarsElements: Fire, AkashaPowers: Power, Protection, Healing, Balancing EnergiesOn my recent trip to Denver, the owner of Isis Bookstore piledseveral bizarre-looking in my hands."Here," he said.are they?"They were grey, metallic, heavy.Were they magnetic? No.Some were grainy-surfaced ovals, fairly smooth, while otherswere studded with what appeared to be three-sided corners of somemetal that had formed crystals within the "stone" itself.A few were tubular-shaped, looking like two stones that hadbeen smashed and fused together.are they?" I asked, stumped.stones," Leon said, smiling.Yeah, I'd never heard of them either.They apparently corne fromsome place in Kansas.Holding one in each hand, I felt a tremendous flow of energythrough my body.Magical Uses:BOji stones are something of an enigma.I've taken them toexperts, but they aren't sure just what they are-crystalline forms ofiron? Pseudomorphs (wherein organic or mineral substances arereplaced with, in this case, metal)? At least one specimen, I was told,seems to be a fossilized vertebra of some ancient animal, in which thebone has been replaced with a form of pyrite.Whatever they are, boji stones emit forceful, projective vibrations.They appear to be useful for balancing the body's energies, with theresultant effects of calming, grounding and healing.One women saidthat holding a stone in her hand had removed the pain from it.They are certainly protective, in that they charge up our psychicdefenses.As for their other uses, maybe well discover them together.BRASSEnergy: ProjectivePlanet: SunElement: Fire" Boji is a trademark of Boji Inc.154/ Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal MagicAssociated Metal: GoldPowers: Healing, Money, ProtectionMagical Uses:Brass has long been used as a magical substitute for gold.While itdoesn't possess all of gold's attributes, brass is used in money-attract-ing rituals.For example, at sunrise, empower eight small brass bells andeight green candles with your need for money.Do this in direct sun-light if possible.Place the candles (in holders) in a roughly squareshape (two on each side).Ring each of the bells over each candleand visualize.Or, place empowered olivine, aventurine or any other money-attracting stones on a piece of brass during prosperity rituals.Another simple money-attracting spell: Inscribe a pentagram ona small piece of brass with a sharp nail or engraving tool, and carry orwear the brass piece to draw wealth.Brass has also been used in ritual healing.Wearing a brass ring,for example, is said to halt stomach cramps.A brass key placed on thenape of the neck or dropped down the back is an old spell to stopnosebleeds.This yellowish gold metal is also protective.Brass jewelryis wornto guard the person.It is used in defensive magic to send negativityback to its sender.Empowered brass objects are placed in the hornefor protective purposes.COPPEREnergy: ReceptivePlanet: VenusElement: WaterDeities: Aphrodite, Astarte, IshtarAssociated Stones: Quartz Crystal, EmeraldAssociated Herb: MimosaPowers: Energy Direction, Healing, Luck, Love, Protection, MoneyMagical/Ritual Lore:Copper, a reddish orange metal, has long been linked with thedivine.During ancient Mesopotamian times it was attributed to theQueen of Heaven as well as to goddesses associated with the planetVenus.These include Ishtar, Astarte and perhaps Inanna, the Su-merian predecessor to the first two deities mentioned above.It has also been sacred to the Sun in Babylon as well as to the earlyThe Metals / 155inhabitants of the Pacific Northwest (U.S.).Magical Uses:Copper is well known as a conductor of electricity.One modernuse ofthis metalis to fashion wands of copper tubes.These are toppedwith quartz crystals and sometimes wrapped with leather or anothershielding substance.Such wands are used in magical ritual to directenergy
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